Let’s start as if it were a school essay and see what the term ‘neuromarketing’ means. It is a type of technological strategy that allows us to measure the emotional response of users when they are exposed to a stimulus, such as an advertisement or a short film. The truth is that emotions have been in the background for a long time in the world of advertising; they have been ignored and misunderstood, something that neuromarketing aims to change.

Thanks to neuromarketing technology, we can study them scientifically and with greater accuracy:

-What stimulates the consumer
-What are the effects of the advertising received?
-What is the reason for their behavior towards one brand or another, what are the differences?
-What motivates him/her when making decisions.

For all these reasons, neuromarketing is a rich source of information on consumer behavior and can become a very valuable step if it is used, if the data is interpreted correctly and, above all, if its own use remains anonymous.

In a world in which we have more and more stimuli and the channels of communication, advertising and entertainment are so broad, capturing the attention of a viewer becomes an arduous task. This is one of the clearest reasons why neuromarketing is becoming more and more valuable in the world of advertising and is a clear trend for 2024.
The fact that its objective is to know and understand the levels of attention that people show when faced with different stimuli, predicting behavior and analyzing the emotional impact generated by a promotion shows that companies are more interested in getting to know the consumer. Perfecting future strategies will be much easier and more productive for any advertiser.

A marketing campaign that specifically incorporates a stimulus in the hope of creating a specific behavior can be said to incorporate neuromarketing, even though no physical testing of subjects was conducted for that campaign.


Neuromarketing and Artificial Intelligence

Isn’t it wonderful? It should be made clear that neuromarketing alone is not useful enough to outline a strategy that will lead to an increase in sales or a greater impact on the end consumer. For this, another of the main protagonists of the trends in 2024 is needed: Artificial Intelligence.

When combined, the two offer incredible potential to analyze consumers in greater depth and optimize marketing strategies. The truth is that a research by the marketing company HubSpot made in 2023 already showed that companies that use Artificial Intelligence in their strategies obtain 23% more leads and 19% more potential customers. In other words, AI continues to be a booming trend in the world of advertising.

Another major benefit of combining AI and neuromarketing is the ability to personalize content more precisely. For example, if AI identifies that a viewer has a favorable response to pastel colors in ads, the brand will be able to use these colors for a segmented #ad to their social media profile.

To bring the concept even further down to earth, we need only look at one of the best neuromarketing brands in the world: Apple. The former home of Steve Jobs has a brand presence of its own, that is, there is no other brand like it. This is thanks to the neuromarketing strategy they use based on simplicity and Apple’s positioning always has to do with its uniqueness. In a full sea of competitors, Apple is always at the forefront of the industry wave.