McDonald’s Land


Image header for the experience created in roblox for mcdonalds, called mcdonalds land

McDonald’s Land: Where Fast Food Meets Fast Fingers

In an era where digital experiences are as crave-worthy as a Big Mac, McDonald’s Land took a groundbreaking leap into the gaming universe with an immersive Roblox environment dubbed “McDonald’s Land”. Playoffnations, in partnership with AMC Entertainment Holdings and Publicis, the fast-food giant showcased its ingenuity by blending the real and virtual, fun and functional, to create a game-changing marketing experience.

Objectives: Served Hot & Ready  

  1. Notoriety and Differentiation: Disrupt conventional engagement methods to build unique connections with the gaming community.
  2. Reach: Make a big splash in a virtual pond, seizing the gaming community’s attention organically.
  3. Community Engagement: Enhance brand loyalty via new digital channels.
  4. Strategic Positioning: Carve out a space for McDonald’s in the lucrative gaming sector.

Context: Why Gaming? Why Now? 

With new generations being the imminent consumer bastions, understanding their digital habits is essential. A burgeoning gaming market valued at approximately $229.4 billion in 2022 alone highlights the immense opportunities. McDonald’s sought to harness this potential by leveraging advergaming and technological innovation as strategic relationship builders.

McDonald's Land
McDonald’s Land

The Game Plan: A 360º Campaign  

In-game Activation: “McLandia” featured five uniquely themed islands, each with its own set of mini-games and challenges that resonate with the McDonald’s brand narrative.

  • Central Island: The hub featuring the main restaurant and a world store for in-game purchases.
  • Hamburger Island: A parkour challenge with burger ingredients as obstacles.
  • Ice Cream Island: Snowboarding on a mountain of ice cream, dodging candy puddles.
  • French Fries Island: A volcano of fries where players must dodge moving ketchup.
  • Soda Island: A river-rafting adventure in a bubble, avoiding obstacles and racing against time.

Phygital Strategy: Bridging the digital game environment with real-world benefits, enabling seamless consumer interaction.

Influencer Marketing: Utilizing gaming influencers as brand evangelists to amplify the campaign’s reach.

Results: Supersized Success 

– An exceptional blend of advertising and entertainment, offering an uninterrupted gaming experience.

– Positioned McDonald’s as a technological pioneer in the gaming ecosystem.

Not only was this campaign a success in terms of numbers, but McDonald’s Land managed to win two bronze awards at the golden festival in the categories of Entertainment Music and Sports Gaming and Creative Commerce: Metaverse, New Realities and Emerging Technology.

The Future: More Than a One-time Special  

This is just the appetizer. The resounding success of this activation reaffirms McDonald’s commitment to continuous digital innovation. Stay tuned for more; this brand promises to keep you saying, “I’m Lovin’ It!”