Alpina in Roblox: The Donato’s Mind


Imagen de la experiencia en roblox de alpina alpin

Alpina enters Roblox

The dairy and smoothie brand, Alpina, has been nourishing the lives of its consumers for more than 70 years, and has wanted to stand out among the young public with its Alpin smoothies, expanding its brand into the gaming environment. How? By creating, together with Playoffnations, a unique digital experience that users can connect with and enjoy.

The perfect combination exists:

Alpina is renowned for its excellence in the market, and wanted to go one step further with Playoffnations, creating the perfect storm to take its history of innovation, quality and tradition to the next level.

In this project, the objectives that focused us towards success:

  • Reach GenZ: Amplify visibility among young people in a fun way, by partnering with influencer Donato as a central hub.
  • Incentivise the purchase of Alpin products: Implementing a phygital strategy that allows consumers to have exclusive access to the experience.

With these goals in mind, Playoffnations and Alpina brought to life Donato’s Mind, a virtual world in Roblox that fuses the excitement of gaming with Alpina’s brand experience, all under the branding of influencer Donato.


The keys that took the experience to another level:

Donato’s Mind is a 360º experience that not only aims to entertain, but also to boost Alpina’s visibility among young people in a creative and immersive way.

Our strategy is based on 3 main factors:

  • Key talent: The partnership with Donato is a key point in reaching the target audience, adding to the story’s unique appeal and connecting with its audience in an authentic and exciting way.  A figure that brings notoriety and credibility among GenZ.
  • Phygital strategy: Its use brought to life a new flow in the user experience, making them travel from the physical to the digital and vice versa, through a gamified action, which allowed unlocking the exclusive ‘Challenge Mode’ in the game. This mode, accessible only through codes on Alpin smoothies, encourages both purchase and immersion in an environment that fuses physical consumption with digital entertainment.
  • User as the protagonist: By placing the user and the brand at the epicentre of this campaign in an interactive, immersive and participative way, we managed to significantly increase engagement, emotional connection and positive positioning in the minds of young people.


A 360º experience that managed to find the key, achieving:

  • A 38% increase in brand awareness
  • A 2.6% average increase in brand recognition
  • 18% decrease in brand unfamiliarity

Donato’s Mind connects with digital natives by inviting them to be part of a unique experiential reality. Consumer and player, the perfect match to increase product trial among young people and brand visibility in a digital world. Playoffnations has thus prompted Alpin to step up the game and take the first step in what will be a very long term relationship.